Friday, April 10, 2009

New video & new puppy

First off: the new puppy.

My mom got herself a puppy and I figured (since this is what people do on the vast intertubes) that I should show pictures of him. Here's four pictures:

Here he is in the box that we made to take him home in. It's luxurious features are made of 4 complete layers of a cardboard box, a piece of table cloth, a towel, and another towel. He's four months old and we really don't have a name for him. We were going to name him Marley, then Zombie (because it's a bitchin'-ass name), but for now his name is Puppy. Now, onto the new video.

Nuff' said about that video. I saw the original video and I NEEDED to make fun of it.

Anyways, here is a picture of Puppy sleeping.

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