Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to fail your way to success

I've noticed something. A lot of people may notice this, and a lot of people haven't. One something fails, epically, something that wins (epically) usually comes out of it. Here is what I mean. We all know Batman & Robin was a bad movie. A lot of people wish that Batman & Robin was never made. However, if Batman & Robin was never made, we would never have gotten Batman Begins. Without Batman Begins, we wouldn't get The Dark Knight. See what I mean? Here is a MAJOR example. In the early 1990's, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy. The Virtual Boy was the first ever 3D video game console. However, it failed due to the fact that the games were only in red and black and the system was not very portable and some other reasons. However, if the Virtual Boy was never invented, we wouldn't have gotten the Nintendo 64. Without Nintendo 64, we wouldn't have gotten the Goldeneye video game. Plus, if the Virtual Boy was never invented, it probably would have taken years before the concept of virtual reality was invented. Get the point? You might be wondering why I decided to blog about this. To tell you the truth, I don't know. I just felt like it.

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